Our Main Focus

Music Consultations

We will make the ultimate effort to hear you out! Tell us your goals, dreams, and aspirations. Let us give our expert advice on learning how to manage, direct, and professionalize yourself as an Independent Artist. Let's talk about how you can become better at being your own business personnel. It is more than just about music!

Vocal/Mixing Tools

We want to enhance your knowledge as a creator in your production. We want to make sure you find your sound by teaching basic or advanced knowledge on mixing. Understanding your sound is important to your artistry growth, As well as learning the difference of mixing vs. mastering.

Artist Development and Coaching

Learning the basic, and advanced tools on how to be an Independent Artist. No matter your tenure, there's always more to learn. Also, teaching the importance of your image and knowing your direction as an artist. We will tackle stage presence, Songwriting techniques, content awareness, and learning when to take a break | Which brings us to our next focus!

Mental Health Advocate

A stabled mind is important to your growth, and we care. We will conduct mental checks on you weekly! We understand the pressures of creating and striving towards your better self. We also understand the pressures of keeping up with society, and the burden it brings. That is why communication and mental self-care is key.


Lastly, We will provide music publishing to artists and musicians who need it. Please note: If you are a new artist with no experience, we will also navigate you to a trusted Distribution Company. There are more unlisted services that could be offered to you when you have done your intitial consult. We are here for all your development needs.

Great News! We work around your budget | Let's Get Started!

Time to "lynq" up and start growing in your artistry. But first take, take time to listen to the video below. I hope it brings you Self-Confidence, Freedom, Assurance, and Joy.